Educational Videos

Exploring the ADA 2023 Standards of Care Recommendation for treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) with Topical Oxygen Therapy (TOT)

R. Frykberg DPM MPH MAPWCA FFPM (Glas)
A Brief Review of the published RCT and RWE for Cyclical-Pressure Topical Wound Oxygen (TWO2) Therapy in Healing DFU: Reducing Rates of Hospitalizations and Amputations

M. Garoufalis DPM, FASPS, FACPM, CWS, FFPM RCPS (Glas) and S. Ahn DPM     
Using Cyclical Pressurized Topical Oxygen Therapy for Post-surgical and Chronic Wounds
R. Frykberg DPM MPH MAPWCA FFPM (Glas) and A. Mahmood DPM MPH
A Technical Review: Utilizing Multimodality Topical Wound Oxygen Across A Spectrum of Lower Extremity Etiologies
C. Dove DPM and J. Banks DPM
Accessing Effective Wound Care: A Patient Centered Approach Utilizing Topical Wound Oxygen at Home
R. Frykberg and P. Haser MD FACS FRCSC     
Topical Wound Oxygen Therapy: The Pandemic and the New Paradigm
C. Smith NP. and W. Tawfick MB.BCH, MRCSI.
Healing Venous and Other Leg Ulcers with Topical Wound Oxygen Therapy