Educational Videos
Exploring the ADA 2023 Standards of Care Recommendation for treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers (DFU) with Topical Oxygen Therapy (TOT)
R. Frykberg DPM MPH MAPWCA FFPM (Glas)
A Brief Review of the published RCT and RWE for Cyclical-Pressure Topical Wound Oxygen (TWO2) Therapy in Healing DFU: Reducing Rates of Hospitalizations and Amputations
M. Garoufalis DPM, FASPS, FACPM, CWS, FFPM RCPS (Glas) and S. Ahn DPM
Using Cyclical Pressurized Topical Oxygen Therapy for Post-surgical and Chronic Wounds
Using Cyclical Pressurized Topical Oxygen Therapy for Post-surgical and Chronic Wounds
R. Frykberg DPM MPH MAPWCA FFPM (Glas) and A. Mahmood DPM MPH
A Technical Review: Utilizing Multimodality Topical Wound Oxygen Across A Spectrum of Lower Extremity Etiologies
A Technical Review: Utilizing Multimodality Topical Wound Oxygen Across A Spectrum of Lower Extremity Etiologies
C. Dove DPM and J. Banks DPM
Accessing Effective Wound Care: A Patient Centered Approach Utilizing Topical Wound Oxygen at Home
Accessing Effective Wound Care: A Patient Centered Approach Utilizing Topical Wound Oxygen at Home
R. Frykberg and P. Haser MD FACS FRCSC
Topical Wound Oxygen Therapy: The Pandemic and the New Paradigm
Topical Wound Oxygen Therapy: The Pandemic and the New Paradigm
C. Smith NP. and W. Tawfick MB.BCH, MRCSI.
Healing Venous and Other Leg Ulcers with Topical Wound Oxygen Therapy
Healing Venous and Other Leg Ulcers with Topical Wound Oxygen Therapy